Aspiring author climbing her way out of the slushpile.

A woman made of prose and poem seeking the keys to publication.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Write Stuff

Well it's the third day in November which happens to be National Novel Writing Month. But I won't be participating. I have to write at my own pace. Anyways, I'm currently working on a writing project. I'm really excited about the direction it's going. So many ideas are tumbling down my cerebral corridor. My goal for my project which is entitled The Elemental Queen is to have over a hundred pages. I'm really happy with this story. I'm just letting the ink flow and blocking the inner critic. I'll worrry about the revising and polishing later. Right now I'm just trying to turned my works-in-progress to complete manuscripts. To stop doubting my skills. And to believe in myself and innate talent. Happy writing.